『暑假作業』DVD即將在2014/6上市!即日起預購活動開跑囉!凡預購者即可得到本片主角:小亮和張導的簽名限量版酷卡!本次預購活動日期到6/3號截止,機會難得,喜歡《暑假作業》的朋友千萬不能錯過! 詳細活動:http://changfilmno7.pixnet.net/blog/post/178257627

目前分類:地理介紹 (2)

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     Quchi is located in the suburb of Taipei City. Embraced by the nature’s grace, this land of wonder is at the junction of two rivers and a shelter for the wounded heart. Like other places in Taiwan, Guchi is struck by typhoons every summer and threatened occasionally by earthquakes. Even so, its marvelous beauty is still able to strike people in awe!

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